


   特首不可以有政黨背景,連政黨出身的高官,都要上任後跟黨劃清界線。如今特首接二連三對單一政黨眉來眼去,逗得人家開心不已,頻頻放軟聲氣,密密大開綠 燈,親密程度,更甚於黨員。看來特首不可以有政黨背景這條規矩應該早日廢除,而特首厚此薄彼之舉,其實是為政黨能夠執政鋪路。



   以醫管局2005年年報,收費約十四億,計入那五億幾的減免收費,醫管局一年可以收病人近二十億。如果照主席提議,收費增加一倍至四倍,未計減免,隨時 收五十億;就算預四分一是安全網的減免,都有四十億落袋。萬一真如主席所願,2005╱06年度可能是醫管局最後一年見赤字。





1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What on earth are you talking about? The reason why the 06/07's deficit can be eliminated is because Government has generously agreed on behalf of the tax payer to inject an extra fund of 600M into the HA's bank account. It is certainly not because, for instance, its new CEO has streamlined the whole organization to achieve an effective operation or hell, simply reduce the wastage by 600M. Therefore, I fail to see this is a good news.

Any public organization, as far as I can see, is a "sting" operation, which is legal unfortunately. Take it to the extreme, all the top managers are basically no different from cons who are trying to con the tax payer.

Let us examine what would a private company do in the situation of deficit. Primarily, there are four ways, among others, to deal with the situation including (i) shut down the part which is loosing money (ii) streamline the staff/operation to achieve better effectiveness (iii) increase the price and (iv) ask the shareholder to inject more money into the company. From my experience, (i) and (ii) require a lot genuine work but are commonly used to restore the vitality of the company with good result. (iii) would usually mean loosing customer and impassable under most circumstances. (iv) would probably end up with top managers kicking tin can down the road.

Now let us turn to what HA has done so far. Shutting down the hospital or even some seems to be out of the question under the current political climate. From the report of the media, very little has been done from (ii)if not at all. (iii) is the easiest and definitely a go ahead. HA's customer can take it or leave it. It wouldn't do much harm to HA's top managers and they are not afraid of loosing customer. (iv) has already made a dent in the tax payer wallet.

By the foregoing simple analysis, it is utterly clear that HA has taken the easy way out in the issue of deficit which is arising out of and in connection with its bad management. (iii) and (iv) are simply ways to con the tax payer. Don't you think you should say something like the CEO should have said: while maintaining similar level of service cut the overhead by 20% then we'll talk about price hike and placing of new shares?